kirsten kaschock

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Inspired by a group of women from disparate parts of my life, I have been writing up some daily gratitude. It may be placebo effect (do I care ? …not really) but I sense that I am already feeling something real. I keep mine very short, and focused on the now. If there is a right or wrong way to do this practice, I’m not sure I want to know.

Several years ago, in a yoga class, a teacher gave us the mantra of gratitude and she walked us through the thanks we should be offering to our bodies for whatever they had to give that day and whatever they had given up to that day. I do not thank my body enough. I know my form better than many, and I am pretty sure that it could take a single potato and keep me alive for a month… now that is a superpower! Here are my first four beatitudes (a word I have loved since my pen pal Randall Brown connected it for me to the Beats when I was a wee babe… 15-18.)

Beatitude1: my friend Victoria has been removed from a ventilator and dinner was wonderful and two walks and my extended loves and deciding to make a practice of this inspired by Amanda Fields and Jennifer Brandabur and Lisa Gettings. If three such excellent women are aligned... I should find a spot in the constellation.

B2: the moon, the walk, the expansivity of movement... sharing this time with bishop, colors, coffee.

B3: maybe this list will always include coffee. today it is black. photos on the wall. sunlight. a soft soreness across my shoulders from moving in a new-old way. laughter coming down the stairs like rubber balls.

B4: before today was yesterday and yesterday was good. tomorrow could be excellent. today there is cabbage soup and a box of holiday to toss around the house like eyelash thread instead of tinsel.