kirsten kaschock

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B is for Blast it all - C for Cheating - D for Delayed

So during week B I listened to Bach and read Peter Watts Blindsight. I realize that for all my love of science fiction, books that take place on spacecraft rarely do it for me (exception is KSR’s 2312—whose ships were fascinating enough and maybe because the book went on and off them). I ate Donika Kelly’s Bestiary like it was candy. I’m not sure how it will stick with me. I may have to pick it up again almost immediately to plot its warps and wefts.

Week C I cheated— reading the nonfiction-ish When We CEASE to Understand the World (it contains a C word!). This book is fire, unputdownable 20th century science by Ben LaButat. I also revisited Ted Hughes’ Crow (to cross-check it with Bestiary) - this is a hate-read I must finally admit I love. Don’t ask. I listened to The Creatures first album… which I never owned - Feast. Brought me back.

This week - D - has stretched into 2 weeks. And I’m not nearly done yet. I’m enjoying the farce of Percival Everett’s Dr. No (On PEN’s long list) and I ordered Dew on a Leaf / Morgentau by Edwin Dickman (an impulse purchase by a painter-poet born in 1929). Listening to Dr. Dog. Dreaming. I will say more on these next week when I am firmly in E.